Our first event was in Moenkopi, a Hopi village located near the Navajo town of Tuba City about 45 miles northwest of the Hopi Reservation.
On the second day we visited families in the hospital and at home in several Hopi villages. Along the way we assisted many Hopis with $50 food certificates as well as funds to purchase propane used for cooking. We also made a $500 contribution towards the Book Mobile.
On our third day we again took part in a Book Mobile event in Polacca, the town below the First Mesa villages of Hano, Sichomovi and Walpi, with about 100 children and youth. Then after an incredible lunch cooked by Dinah, the team visited the ancient village of Walpi where we were greeted by our old friend Bertha Kinale. Our second event that evening was in the Hopi Wellness Center with a small group of children while their parents were in an exercise class.
We were able to disperse over $1,000 in food certificates and general assistance, as well as the $500 donation for the Mobile Library, made possible by contributions from all our friends.
Also, a great big "Thank You!" to our team who gave of themselves and their resources to make this all possible!
Jack Lankhorst
More about the Hopi